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As a Pittsburgher who lived in NYC for a long time I think you nailed it about New Yorkers. They aren't jerks typically, but they do see tourists and others as impediments. It's hard, you don't have a car to get around or go shopping. Everything is done with the shoe leather express which takes time. Standing to check directions at the subway entrance? You might get a comment. Try taking a few steps away to make some room and you become invisible.

People get offended when they get called out for standing on the escalators, etc. That might be your one mistake you make. For people in the city, they deal with many of these people every day and it gets tiring.

On the other hand, I've returned phones and wallets from taxis and had people return them to me, with any offer of payment almost taken as an insult.

Finally, most New Yorkers aren't from the city. They are from the Burgh, Iowa, Jersey and Long Island. My best friend was from Nova Scotia and knew Fleury and Crosby. The city is tough and makes you learn the tricks quickly.

Glad to support you and wish you all the best. Sorry for the wall of text, but I feel NYC gets a bum rap at times

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